[Skrillex&CL(2NE1)&G-Dragon]Dirty.Vibe 5.6分


语言: 英语
类型: 欧美
地区: 美国
资源更新: 2014-12-19
豆瓣评分: 5.6分 短评


GD: 哥们儿大名便是一个龙,一旦被惹毛就怒火中烧; 没什么想法的话就叫我G,突然来了点疯狂的念头,而你还没资格和我叫嚣,因为你就是个跳梁小丑; 若我把这世界翻天覆地,你大概要晕个天翻地覆; 对啊我们就是这么嚣张,we gon‘ celebrate every fucking day(每一个操蛋到底的日子,我们要好好庆祝才对); 他们总是亦步亦趋地cos我,对啊就是那么没品地cos,没品地cos,越来越没品 dirty vibe CL: Seoul City(首尔),GZB(坏丫头),CL; hold up(站住),you in the presence of a queen(在你面前的是个女王); I turn up(我点燃全场),all the pretty bitches love me(所有的小贱人都爱我),姐姐啊,mouth full of gold with them jheri curls(满口金牙一头卷发); stunting on some Prince shit,Diamond and pearls(嚼着Prince的Diamond&pearls就搞得分外牛逼),I’ll be on my worst behavoir(接下来老娘就给你展现下什么叫真的坏),hold my purse(拿好我的包); runway‘s the strip club(T台就是脱衣俱乐部),I'll be making the work(我让大家嗨起来),cuz I'll be on until I die(因为知道我死前都会这样); middle finger up so high(高高竖起中指) dirty vibe dirty vibe jump on that dirty vibe(跳到这dirty vibe中来) GD: I don't pop molly, I rock microphones(老子不玩嗑药,老子就玩麦克风) point it atcha girl,watch her ass sing along(话筒一指妹子,就看她跟我扭得分外妖娆) CL: talk shit with the prettiest lips(漂亮的嘴唇吐出肮脏的话) blow a kiss(抛出一个飞吻) kick a whole in your speaker,and then split(一脚踢进你的扬声器里,再把它粉碎) GD: do it just for fun(我只是为了玩乐) I come second to none(我认第二没人敢认第一) swerving in the lambo like a son of a gun(开着兰博漂移,就像个大坏蛋) CL: what you ain't you ain't konw(你根本就不知道) I'm yo girl's lesbian crush(我是你的妞的姘头) she ain't with you(她不属于你) she be rolling my dirty vibe(她迷恋于我的dirty vibe) GD: GGGG-G to the D, motherfucker who am I(我是谁)?老子就是首尔motherfucker but diving on C-momma(一头栽入汹涌波涛) it's the beat on the come up(这就是新浪潮的律动) get it,huh(懂,昂?) 你就捡着这个吃吧 就像第一次一样疯狂地享受吧 G-Duh from the feet up(从头到脚都是G-Duh) I'm as dirty as they could(同他们一样疯狂) and there’s only one(而我独一无二)