[胡苏]爸妈老了 5.0分


类型: 华语
地区: 大陆
资源更新: 2017-01-06
豆瓣评分: 5.0分 短评


[胡苏]爸妈老了 爸妈老了 演唱:胡苏 作词:胡苏 作曲:胡苏 爸爸他老了 My dad he is old now 他真的老了 He is old now 原本就不多的头发彻底没有了 The hair that was few has now gone 不信你就看 Look at him. 他光光的头顶啊 很闪烁,我却很失落 His head is shining, and my heart is down 妈妈也老了 My mum she is old now 是真的老了 She is old now 原本貌美如花如今已满头白发 The lady that was a beauty has now grown old 不信你就看 Look at her. 他眼角的皱纹啊 他笑着,我却泪如雨落 The wrinkles around her eyes are smiling, but my tears start to roll down 爸妈都老了/ 他们真的老了 My mum and dad, they are old now, really old 爸爸已很少喝醉妈妈也不再多嘴 Dad is now seldom drunk, and mum is no longer nagging 原本这些年他们该抱上孙子了 They should have been holding their grandchildren now 哎/我的错/我的错…… Oh, it is my fault, my fault 我的爸妈都老了/他们真的老了 My mum and dad, they are old now, really old 这时光,怎么可以如此蹉跎 Time, how can it fleet so fast 一切都没有来得及/没有来得及 No time for anything yet, nothing at all 你已老去/你已老去/老去 But you are already old, old, old 我的爸爸妈妈/我最爱的人啊 My mum and dad, my dearest 你们怎么可以就这样的老去 How can you turn old like this 一直也没有来得及/没有来得及 No time for, no time to say 说一句/我爱你…… I love you 这句话一直埋在心底/埋在我心底 These words were always in my heart, deep at the bottom 忘了/讲出去…… 我/爱/你…… They have not yet been spoken ... I/love/you