[2.Chainz&Wiz.Khalifa]We.Own.It(Fast&Furious) 6.2分


语言: 英语
类型: 欧美
地区: 美国
资源更新: 2013-07-24
豆瓣评分: 6.2分 短评

演员: 2.Chainz&Wiz.Khalifa  

Money’s the motivation money’s the conversation 钞票就是一切,钞票就是老子的目的 You on vacation, we gettin’ paid so 你们度假没钱拿,但我们有 We on paycation, I did it for the fam’ 我们拿钱放假,老子嘻哈都是为了家庭 It’s whatever we had to do, it’s just who I am 不管我们干过什麼,老子都忠於自己 Yeah it’s the life I chose 没错这就是老子选择的生活 Gunshots in the dark, one eye closed 那些肮脏的工作,总是有人得做 And we got it cookin’ like a one-eyed stove 但我们很清楚我们在做什麼 You can catch me kissin’ my girl with both eyes closed 在老子和女人接吻时你会发现老子闭上双眼 Perfectin’ my passion, thanks for askin’ 老子就是这麼专情,你会不会管太多? Couldn’t slow down so we had to crash it 绝不减速宁愿撞个粉身碎骨 You use plastic, we ’bout cash 你们用信用卡,我们都用钞票 I see some people ahead that we gon’ pass, yeah! 我们将超越面前的任何对手,瞭吗! I never fear death or dying 我从来就不害怕死亡 I only fear never trying 只怕自己不曾努力争取 I am whatever I am 这就是我 Only God can judge me now 只有上帝能审判我 One shot, everything rides on tonight 放手一搏,成败就在今晚 Even if I’ve got three strikes 就算我已经被三振 I’mma go for it 我也绝不出局 This moment, we own it 这一刻,属於我们 And I’m not to be played with 老子不是好惹的 Because it could get dangerous 小心玩火自焚 See these people I ride with 看清楚我身後有多少人马 This moment, we own it 这个瞬间,非我莫属 And the same ones I ride with, be the same ones that I die with 老子和兄弟一起飙车,老子和兄弟一起玩命 Put it all out on the line with 我们一起出生入死 If you lookin’ for me you can find Wiz 如果你们要找我 In the new car or the crown with my new broad, that’s fine chick 老子不是和 Wiz 一起飙车就是和新马子在一起,她性感火辣 And no other squad, I’m down with(and no way around it) 老子不会加入别的帮派(绝对不可能) What you say? Tell me what you say? 你说呢?告诉我你的想法 Workin’ hard, reppin’ for my dogs, do this everyday 老子努力打拼,为小弟嘻哈,每天都是这样 Takin’ off, lookin’ out for all, makin’ sure we ball 和兄弟有福同享,有难同当 Like the mob all you do is call 帮派兄弟乔事情只要一通电话 Catch you if you fall, Young Khalifa 无论什麼事老子都挺 I never fear death or dying 我从来就不害怕死亡 I only fear never trying 只怕自己不曾努力争取 I am whatever I am 这就是我 Only God can judge me now 只有上帝能审判我 One shot, everything rides on tonight 放手一搏,成败就在今晚 Even if I’ve got three strikes 就算我已经被三振 I’mma go for it 我也绝不出局 This moment, we own it 这一刻,属於我们 And I’m not to be played with 老子不是好惹的 Because it could get dangerous 小心玩火自焚 See these people I ride with 看清楚我身後有多少人马 This moment, we own it 这个瞬间,非我莫属 This the biggest day of my life 终於到了玩命关头 We got big guns, been graduated from knives 我们重装上阵,不留馀力 It’s the day in the life and I’m ready to ride 在这一刻我已经准备好狂飙 Got the spirit, I’m feelin’ like a killer inside 全神贯注,热血沸腾 Financial outbreak, I’m free but I ain’t out yet 搞定这一票,但这一切还没结束 Ridin’ with the plug so I’m close to the outlet 手拿著枪往出口狂飙 At the red light, rims sittin’ off set 冲过红灯,婊子在旁边坐成一排 I look better on your girl than her outfit 我对你马子的裸体还比较有兴趣 Stuck to the plan, always said that we would stand up, never ran 一切尽在掌握,我们充满自信,永不言败 We the fam and loyalty never change up 我们就是一家人忠诚永不改变 Been down since day one, look at where we came from 我们白手起家,不要忘记初衷 Jumpin’ out on anybody who try to say some one thing about it 任何人敢对我有意见老子就把他干掉 Got a problem? I’ve got the same one 有问题?我也是 Money rolls we fold, plenty clubs we close, follow the same code 有钱一起赚,夜店我们一起嗨,遵守同样的教条 Never turn our backs, our cars don’t even lose control 永不回头,名车在手飙风四起 One shot, everything rides on tonight 放手一搏,成败就在今晚 Even if I’ve got three strikes 就算我已经被三振 I’mma go for it 我也绝不出局 This moment, we own it 这一刻,属於我们 And I’m not to be played with 老子不是好惹的 Because it could get dangerous 小心玩火自焚 See these people I ride with 看清楚我身後有多少人马 This moment, we own it 这个瞬间,非我莫属 This moment, we own it 这一刻,属於我们 This moment, we own it 这个瞬间,非我莫属